How to Instantly Optimize Your Amazon Product Listing to Boost Sales

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Amazon is the omnipresent, one-stop-shop for all that ‘is’.  If you are thinking about joining this thriving, populated market space, there are a few basic optimization strategies to sell and market your product on Amazon.

There are over 12 million products on Amazon, and nearly 2,000 new sellers are added each day.  That is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack.  The good news is that over 197 million people a month stampede to Amazon as consumers, which is more buyers than Russia’s population!  So, how do you go about highlighting your needle?  Below are effective strategies to make your Amazon product listing stand out.

To sell on Amazon, you will need to establish a seller account.  After you have established that, the essential thing that you need to create is your Amazon product listing.  The product listing page contains:

  • Product Title
  • Product Image
  • Variations (different colors, smells, etc.)
  • Bullet Points (short, descriptive highlights)
  • Featured Offer/Buy Box (featured offer)
  • Other Offers (competitors offering same product)
  • Description (keywords, SEO so that people can find you)

Optimize Your Product Page

To sell with confidence, the first thing you need is to promote your product with an exquisitely detailed story about your product.  Think of this page as an informational with the added benefits of Amazon SEO.  The two main features of your product page will be the title and image.  This page has the dual purpose of acting as your lead generator and your closer, so those are the topics we will be expanding upon.

Product Page Image

Pictures speak more than 1,000 words.  This holds true of your product picture as well.  A majority of consumers will purchase from the image and price alone.  It is also the deciding factor of whether they keep scrolling or decide to stay on your page.  You must capture a high-quality image. 

You can include up to 9 product images.  The more, the better. Amazon has image requirements that will have to be adhered to.  The main product image has to be fixed on a white background, but the other images can showcase your product at different angles or being worn or used.  You can also include charts and compare your products directly with competitors.  Remember that Amazon buyers can zoom in, so their specifications allow for 1,000px x 1,000px.


Product Title

First, introduce your product with a captivating product title.  This page is what a consumer will see first, effectively serving as a first impression, so you want to make an impact.  The title should be clear about what your product is.  Amazon allows 200 characters; however, you should aim for well-placed words in quality rather than a hodgepodge quantity.

A few things that you may want to include in the title and that are SEO friendly would be:

  • The product name
  • A unique beneficial feature
  • Your brand name
  • Description of the product (color, material, how big it is)

Your title is the setting for the introduction to the consumer but also acts as the catalyst for keyword searches.  It is of paramount importance that your product identifies well with search results.  If you are unsure, visit Amazon and do a few searches and see what is popping up with the keywords that you choose.  Doing your searches will allow you to navigate to the kind of distinction that fits your product. Also, be sure to check your category for your product category’s title guidelines.

Other helpful hints can be found by researching Amazon’s title formatting rules.  A few key things:

  • You cannot identify the superiority of your product with opinions (using words like ‘the best’)
  • Shorten numbers, don’t spell them out (twenty-five to 25)
  • Capitalize every word to have your product stand out
  • Refrain from creating duplicate pages

Product Features

Product features allow you to highlight the specific benefits of using your product.  Amazon encourages listing at least five features.  Features should point to a bullet list displaying the information you want customers to consider while perusing your product.  It will help them swiftly evaluate and differentiate your product from other similar products.  Things that should be in your bullet features list are:

  • Reiterate important information
  • Highlight the main features and benefits of the product; biggest benefits on top of a bulleted list working your way down
  • Use fragment sentences
  • Capitalize each bullet point
  • List anything unique and pertinent such as dimensions, contents, age appropriateness
  • DO NOT include seller information or pricing; Amazon prohibits this

Product Description

If your consumer has made it this far into your project page, you have done well. Product descriptions can be up to 2,000 characters and should be written from a buyer persona standpoint.  You have precious seconds with customers in competition chaos. 

Remember, most shopping is done on the phone so you want your description to be informative and easy to read.  This is your opportunity to provide essential information to close the deal.  Consumers shouldn’t have to scroll.  What you will want to do is expand on the product’s features and benefits mentioned in the bullets. Be sure to extra descriptive and show how your product and help improve their life. End with a strong call to action that encourages them to purchase your product.

Search Terms

Amazon’s algorithms require a commanding knowledge of search words.  Amazon allows for 249 characters, so use them wisely.  What your search terms should do is create a wide net in an ocean full of consumers.  Amazon tracks everything; they will know if people are spending money while on your page or not.  If not, you won’t hold a high rank in their search results.  Search terms = popularity contest.  Things you will want to do:

  1. Type in search words of your product and competitors into Amazon’s search bar, see what is ranking.
  2. Use keyword tools, such as Helium 10, to generate additional keyword ideas.
  3. Be specific and use long tail keywords. Broad terms are good too but are more competitive to rank for.
  4. Choose keywords that you haven’t used in the title and product features. Keywords only have to be mentioned once.
  5. Use highly relevant terms to your product.

Love At First Sight With Your Product Page

Making a positive first impression has been the cornerstone of every good relationship.  It is also the cornerstone of capitalizing Amazon selling and marketing strategies.  Having a strong introduction, precise definition, exact searchable keywords, and high-quality imagery of your product is the formula for your product being viewed, admired, and purchased.  Words are powerful sales tools if appropriately constructed.

Amazon product listings are like your product resume to 197 million or more buyers.  To showcase your product and plant it firmly in top searches of people sitting on the edge of their seats in buying mode, your product page optimization should be on point. 

Want to give your Amazon product listings a boost? Our professional Amazon product description services can help.

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